Respected Parents
Kindly take note of the following during the examination period. Learners must report to school at normal
- Grade R – Grade 3
Dismissal Time for Gr R-Gr 3 learners from 15 th November 2022 until
30 th November 2022 will be 12h30 (Monday-Thursday).
On Friday’s dismissal will be at 11h30.
*Parents will not be allowed to take learners before dismissal times between
07 th November 2022 and 30 th November 2022 as educators will be busy with oral/written
Learners need not report to school from Thursday 1 st December 2022. - Grade 4-6
Examination commences on Tuesday 15/11/2022
Study break on Monday 14/11/2022
Learners will be dismissed at 10h00 every day - Grades 7-9
Examination commences on Tuesday 08/11/2022 (Grade 8) and Wednesday 09/11/2022 (Grade 7 & 9)
Study break (Grade 7 & 9) on Monday 07/11/2022 and Tuesday (08/11/2022)
Study Break (Grade 8) on Monday 07/11/2022
Learners will be dismissed at 10h00 every day - Grade 10-11
Examination commences on Thursday 03/11/2022 (Grade 11) and Friday 04/11/2022 (Grade 10) - Examination rules
*Cellphones will be confiscated. No cellphones will be kept in the office during the examination
*No smartwatches allowed
*All learners to bring transparent pencil cases
*Learners to be dressed strictly in school uniform and school shoes (Tracksuit, t-shirt and tekkies will
not be allowed)
TEL: 012 374 4647 / 012 374 6532 principal@centralislamicschool.co.za - Grade R Graduation and Grade RR Jalsa
The programme will start promptly at 08h00 on Monday, 05/12/2022
The Grade 1-3 awards ceremony will start at 10h30 - Grade 4-11 Awards
The awards ceremony for grade 4-11 learners will be held on Tuesday, 06/12/2022, at 08h30.
Reports (grade 4-11) will be issued at 10h30 - Textbooks
Textbooks to be returned on the day the learners write the subject. Learners must replace lost
textbooks before 1 st December 2022 (Title for title). Learners will not receive textbooks next year
(2023) if the lost textbooks are not replaced. - Library books
All library books must be returned by 4 th November 2022 - Grade 11
Learners must collect their textbooks for grade 12 on the 5 th December 2022 (time to be confirmed) - School Fees
All outstanding school fees must be paid in full by Friday 25 th November 2022
Learners from grade 4-11 do not report to school after the last day of examinations
School will open for the 2023 academic year on 11th January 2023.