Term 4 – 2024

Controlled Test Timetable June 2021

June 12, 2021
control Test CIS

Controlled Test Timetable June 2021

Grade 4
Grade 5
Grade 6
Wed 23/06/2021
Islamic Studies (1 ½ h)
Math (1½h)
Islamic Studies (1 ½ h)
Thurs 24/06/2021
Maths (1 ½ h)
Islamic Studies  (1 ½ h)
Maths (1½h)
Fri 25/06/2021
L.Skills (1h)
Arabic (1h)
English (1h)
Mon 28/06/2021
English (1h)
English (1h)
Arabic (1h)
Tues 29/06/2021
NST (1h)
L.Skills (1h)
S.Science (1h)
Wed 30/06/2021
Afrikaans (1h)
S.Science (1h)
NST (1h)
Thurs 01/07/2021
Arabic (1h)
NST (1h)
Afrikaans (1h)
Fri 02/07/2021
S.Science (1h)
Afrikaans (1h)
L.Skills (1h)
Kindly take     note of the school times during the controlled tests (refer to timetable).
 Grade 4 & 5:08h00-09h30
 Grade 6:10h00-11h30
Grade 7
Grade 8
Grade 9
Thurs 17/06/2021
English (2h)
S.Science (1 ½ h)
Creative Arts (1h)
Fri 18/06/2021
Technology (1h)
Islamic Studies (1½h)
EMS (1h)
Mon 21/06/2021
Maths (1 ½ h)
EMS (1h)
Islamic Studies (1 ½ h)
Tues 22/06/2021
S.Science (1h)
English (2h)
English (2h)
Wed 23/06/2021
EMS (1½h)
Technology (1h)
Arabic (1h)
Thurs 24/06/2021
Islamic Studies (1 ½ h)
Creative Arts (1h)
Maths (2h)
Fri 25/06/2021
Afrikaans (1½h)
LO (1h)
S.Science (1 ½ h)
Mon 28/06/2021
LO (1 ½ h)
Arabic (1h)
Afrikaans (1½h)
Tues 29/06/2021
N.Science (1½h)
Afrikaans (1½h)
N.Science (2h)
Wed 30/06/2021
Creative Arts (1 ½ h)
EMS (1h)
LO (1h)
Thur 01/07/2021
Arabic (1h)
N.Science (1½h)
EMS (1h)
Fri 02/07/2021
Maths (1 ½ h)
Technology (1h)
Kindly take note of the school times during the controlled tests (refer to timetable).
 Grade 710h00-11h30
 Grade 8 & 9:12h00-13h30 (Fridays: 18/06, 25/06 and 02/07 start at 08h00 and end at 09h30)
Grade 10
Grade 11
Grade 12
Mon 21/06/2021
English Essay (1 ½ h)
History (1h)
Tues 22/06/2021
Bus.Stud (1 ½ h)
LO (1 ½ h)
L.Sciences (2h)/
CAT (3h)
Wed 23/06/2021
Maths (2h)
English Lit (2h)
Phy.Sci P1 (3h)
Thurs 24/06/2021
Arabic P2 (2h)
Accounting (2h)/
English (2 h)
Bus.Stud (2h)
Fri 25/06/2021
Afrikaans (1 ½ h)
Arabic P2 (2h)/IST (2h)
Bus.Stud (2h)
Mon 28/06/2021
English (2h)
Maths (2 ½ h)/
Maths P1 (3h)/
Maths Lit (2 ½ h)
      Maths Lit P1 (3h)
Tues 29/06/2021
Accounting (2h)/
L.Sciences (3h)/
Arabic P2 (2h)
Bus.Stud (2h)
 CAT (2h)
IST (1h)
Wed 30/06/2021
CAT (2 ½ h)/
History (2h)
Afrikaans (2h)
L.Sciences (2h)
Thurs 01/07/2021
LO (1 ½ h)
Phy.Sci (2h)
History (3h)
Fri 02/07/2021
Phy.Sci (2h)/
Afrikaans (1 ½ h)
Bus.Stud (2h)
History (2h)
Kindly take note of the school times during the controlled tests (refer to timetable).
 Grade 10-12: Start at 08h00am and finish as per paper duration.
 All learners to report to school 15 minutes before commencement of sessions.
  Exams rooms: Grade 10-Room 47, Grade 11B-Room 32, Grade 11G-Room 33, Grade 12-Room 36.


Please adhere to the following protocols:

  1. Wearing of masks is compulsory for all learners and educators.
  2. Social Distancing is the key to containing the pandemic and with learners returning to school this process will be strictly implemented 
  3. Sanitising of hands must be done on a regular basis.
  4. Temperature checks will be done upon entry to school.
  5. The tuck shop will be closed.
  6. Parents must collect learners immediately after the exam session.
  7. Learners will not be allowed to lend or borrow any stationery. Please ensure that your child has all their own required stationery (maths set, calculators etc).
  8. Parents need to ensure that learners are dressed in their correct school uniforms, school jackets/jerseys and school shoes.