Controlled Test Timetable June 2021
Grade 4
Grade 5
Grade 6
Wed 23/06/2021
Islamic Studies (1 ½ h)
Math (1½h)
Islamic Studies (1 ½ h)
Thurs 24/06/2021
Maths (1 ½ h)
Islamic Studies (1 ½ h)
Maths (1½h)
Fri 25/06/2021
L.Skills (1h)
Arabic (1h)
English (1h)
Mon 28/06/2021
English (1h)
English (1h)
Arabic (1h)
Tues 29/06/2021
NST (1h)
L.Skills (1h)
S.Science (1h)
Wed 30/06/2021
Afrikaans (1h)
S.Science (1h)
NST (1h)
Thurs 01/07/2021
Arabic (1h)
NST (1h)
Afrikaans (1h)
Fri 02/07/2021
S.Science (1h)
Afrikaans (1h)
L.Skills (1h)
Kindly take note of the school times during the controlled tests (refer to timetable).
Grade 4 & 5:08h00-09h30
Grade 6:10h00-11h30
Grade 7
Grade 8
Grade 9
Thurs 17/06/2021
English (2h)
S.Science (1 ½ h)
Creative Arts (1h)
Fri 18/06/2021
Technology (1h)
Islamic Studies (1½h)
EMS (1h)
Mon 21/06/2021
Maths (1 ½ h)
EMS (1h)
Islamic Studies (1 ½ h)
Tues 22/06/2021
S.Science (1h)
English (2h)
English (2h)
Wed 23/06/2021
EMS (1½h)
Technology (1h)
Arabic (1h)
Thurs 24/06/2021
Islamic Studies (1 ½ h)
Creative Arts (1h)
Maths (2h)
Fri 25/06/2021
Afrikaans (1½h)
LO (1h)
S.Science (1 ½ h)
Mon 28/06/2021
LO (1 ½ h)
Arabic (1h)
Afrikaans (1½h)
Tues 29/06/2021
N.Science (1½h)
Afrikaans (1½h)
N.Science (2h)
Wed 30/06/2021
Creative Arts (1 ½ h)
EMS (1h)
LO (1h)
Thur 01/07/2021
Arabic (1h)
N.Science (1½h)
EMS (1h)
Fri 02/07/2021
Maths (1 ½ h)
Technology (1h)
Kindly take note of the school times during the controlled tests (refer to timetable).
Grade 710h00-11h30
Grade 8 & 9:12h00-13h30 (Fridays: 18/06, 25/06 and 02/07 start at 08h00 and end at 09h30)
Grade 10
Grade 11
Grade 12
Mon 21/06/2021
English Essay (1 ½ h)
History (1h)
Tues 22/06/2021
Bus.Stud (1 ½ h)
LO (1 ½ h)
L.Sciences (2h)/
CAT (3h)
Wed 23/06/2021
Maths (2h)
English Lit (2h)
Phy.Sci P1 (3h)
Thurs 24/06/2021
Arabic P2 (2h)
Accounting (2h)/
English (2 h)
Bus.Stud (2h)
Fri 25/06/2021
Afrikaans (1 ½ h)
Arabic P2 (2h)/IST (2h)
Bus.Stud (2h)
Mon 28/06/2021
English (2h)
Maths (2 ½ h)/
Maths P1 (3h)/
Maths Lit (2 ½ h)
Maths Lit P1 (3h)
Tues 29/06/2021
Accounting (2h)/
L.Sciences (3h)/
Arabic P2 (2h)
Bus.Stud (2h)
CAT (2h)
IST (1h)
Wed 30/06/2021
CAT (2 ½ h)/
History (2h)
Afrikaans (2h)
L.Sciences (2h)
Thurs 01/07/2021
LO (1 ½ h)
Phy.Sci (2h)
History (3h)
Fri 02/07/2021
Phy.Sci (2h)/
Afrikaans (1 ½ h)
Bus.Stud (2h)
History (2h)
Kindly take note of the school times during the controlled tests (refer to timetable).
Grade 10-12: Start at 08h00am and finish as per paper duration.
All learners to report to school 15 minutes before commencement of sessions.
Exams rooms: Grade 10-Room 47, Grade 11B-Room 32, Grade 11G-Room 33, Grade 12-Room 36.
Please adhere to the following protocols:
- Wearing of masks is compulsory for all learners and educators.
- Social Distancing is the key to containing the pandemic and with learners returning to school this process will be strictly implemented
- Sanitising of hands must be done on a regular basis.
- Temperature checks will be done upon entry to school.
- The tuck shop will be closed.
- Parents must collect learners immediately after the exam session.
- Learners will not be allowed to lend or borrow any stationery. Please ensure that your child has all their own required stationery (maths set, calculators etc).
- Parents need to ensure that learners are dressed in their correct school uniforms, school jackets/jerseys and school shoes.