Tuesday, 21 March 2023 is a public holiday (Human Rights Day). There will be no school on Monday 20 March 2023, as it has been declared a special school holiday.
The controlled test programme will resume on Wednesday for grade 4-12 learners and the last paper will be written on Thursday 23 March 2023. However, the matriculants will be having daily classes until Wednesday 29 April 2023 (see timetable)
The last day of the term for all learners will be Thursday 23 March 2023. The dismissal time will be according to the Ramadaan times.
During Ramadaan (starting on Thursday 23/03/2023) learners will be dismissed after Zohr Salaah at 13h30 from Monday to Thursday and at 12h00 on Fridays.
Foundation Phase learners will be dismissed as follows:
Monday-Thursday |
Friday |
Gr RR |
12h00 |
11h30 |
Gr R |
12h45 |
11h30 |
Gr 1-3 |
13h00 |
11h45 |
School reopens for the second term on Tuesday 11 April 2023.
Reports will be issued to the learners on Friday 14 April 2023.
Parent/Educator consultation (Gr R-11)
This will take place on Wednesday, 3 May 2023 from 17h00 to 19h00.
Please be punctual.
Eid will be celebrated on either 21 or 22 April 2023. School will close for Eid on 20 April 2023, and will re-open on Tuesday 2 May 2023.
The Board of Governors, Principal and Staff wish all our learners and parents well over the fasting month. May you have an enjoyable and spiritually uplifting Eid.