Assalaamu Alaikum
Respected Parents
South African Schools Act 1996(No.84 of 1996)

Chapter 2
3.(1) Subject to this act… every parent must cause every learner for whom he or she is responsible to attend school from the first school day of the year…until the last school day of the year…
(a) Any parent who… fails to comply with subsection 3. (1), is guilty of an offence and liable on conviction to a fine or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding six months
Many parents at the school make arrangements at inappropriate times to take their children on holiday causing them to miss out on important school work and this is detrimental to the proper functioning of the school.
In terms of the above School’s Act no learner will be given permission for any length of time to go on holiday during official school days.
Failure to comply with this requirement will result in the learner being de-registered from the school and will require the learner to reapply to the school the following year.
Please do not approach the school for permission to take your child on holiday during school time.
Your kind co-operation will be appreciated