Respected Parents/Guardians
After two years of havoc wreaked by the Covid-19 pandemic, the world is now slowly returning to normality. In this ‘new normal’ environment, we must continue to sanitise, maintain social distance and wear a mask.
We extend a warm welcome to all our learners to the new academic year.
Kindly note the following:
- School Calendar:
1 | 12-01-2022 | 17-03-2022 |
2 | 05-04-2022 | 24-06-2022 |
3 | 19-07-2022 | 30-09-2022 |
4 | 11-10-2022 | 14-12-2022 |
Please plan your holidays according to the school calendar. Many parents at the school make arrangements at inappropriate times to take children on holiday, causing them to miss out on important school work and this is detrimental to the proper functioning of the school.
No learner will be given permission for any length of time to go on holiday during official school days. Failure to comply with this requirement will result in the learner being de-registered from the school and will require the learner to reapply to the school for the following year. Please do not approach the school for permission to take your child on holiday during school time, PERMISSION WILL NOT BE GRANTED!
- School Times:
Grade | Start | Dismissal | |
Mon-Thurs | Friday | ||
Grade RR | 08h00 am | 12h00 pm | 11h30 am |
Grade R | 07h30 am | 12h45 pm | 11h30 am |
Grade 1-2 | 07h30 am | 13h45 pm | 11h45 am |
Grade 3 | 07h30 am | 14h15 pm | 11h45 am |
Grade 4-12 | 07h30 am (07h20 am Friday) | 14h55 pm | 12h00 pm |
Please ensure that learners are punctual. The gates will close 5 minutes after the starting time. Regular latecomers will have to stay in for detention.
- Cell Phones:
Cell phones and smartwatches are not allowed in school and will be confiscated if found on the learner. They will only be returned to the parents on the last day of the school term. No exceptions will be made.
- School visits by parents:
Prior appointments must be made to see the principal or any educator. No parent is allowed to go directly to the classroom to leave or fetch children. Due to the Islamic ethos of our school, a humble request is made for mothers to be appropriately dressed when visiting the school.
- Dress code:
Learners must be appropriately attired in the correct school uniform and school shoes. Boys must have a neat, one length haircut. Girls are not allowed to wear jewellery other than a watch and burkas must be plain black. Learners’ nails must be short and clean. No nail polish is allowed. Only, grey, black or white socks and black tekkies (for PE) will be allowed.
- Textbooks:
Kindly ensure that all textbooks are neatly covered in plastic cover only.
- Pedestrian gate:
All visitors must park outside and enter through the pedestrian gate.
- Absenteeism and early leave:
Learners must produce a letter when returning to school if absent the previous day. A doctor’s letter is required for more than one day of absenteeism.
No early leave will be granted except in an emergency. Please schedule doctors’ appointments for after-school hours.
- Birthdays
The school does not encourage celebrating birthdays at school. Kindly refrain from sending cakes and party packs to school.
- Lunch delivery:
Please pack lunch for your children when they come to school in the morning. Do not send lunch during the course of the day for it to be sent to the children in class.
- School fees:
Kindly ensure that all school fees are paid timeously to avoid litigation. When making eft payments for school fees, kindly use the correct reference number as indicated on the school fee statement. Incorrect referencing will result in non-allocation of fees.
- New Appointments:
We welcome to our school the following educators as from January 2022:
- Nabeela Abdoola (Grade R)
- Yumna Kajee (Grade 3)
- Faatima Suleman (Intermediate Phase -Social science)
- Hendrika Baker (Senior phase-Afrikaans)
- Aamina Khan (Senior Phase-Maths)
Your kind co-operation in ensuring that we continue to reap success in 2022 will be much appreciated.