Assalamu-alaikum Dear Parent
The COVID pandemic remains a major challenge for the world and is not likely to end in the near future. Hence, as an educational institute it demands of this administration to navigate these difficult times with rationality and well-informed decisions.
While it may be easy to succumb to fear at every instance, this will however not be in the interest of this institution and all it’s role players.
From the onset of this pandemic this institution has adopted an extremely conservative and protective approach by enforcing the required protocols more strictly than most institutions.
Given the above we feel it necessary to clarify the current situation at the Central Islamic School.
On Monday the 31st May 2021 a parent knowing that she had a positive COVID person in her home sent her children, being a Grade 3c and Grade 6b learner, to school without informing and seeking guidance from the principal. On being notified on Wednesday the 2nd June 2021 by this parent that both these learners had now tested positive, the school followed the required protocols. Those who were in close contact to these learners were identified and isolated. As of Friday, the 4th June 2021 the only confirmed cases were a total of 3 learners and one Educator all from this one cluster and one source. This did not in anyway whatsoever necessitate the closing of the school. However, parents of learners in the Grade 3c and Grade 6b classes who are more comfortable with keeping their children at home are welcome to do so.
Notwithstanding the above, we are seeking expert advice and accurate information whether it will be advisable to suspend contact teaching and activate the school’s e-learning (online) platform. This is necessary as there seems to be a current spike in COVID cases in the Laudium community.
We will be communicating in this regard very shortly.
In the meantime the school will operate as normal.
We appeal to learners and parents to act responsibly and to adhere to the medical guidelines to protect yourselves and others by wearing masks, social distancing and sanitizing at all times.